Friday, 19 December 2014

Bad cough? Tickley throat? Try this!

I've used this recipe for a couple of years now. For myself and my kiddies.
Like tonight. When it was bedtime, my 8 year old started to cough. For the first 30 minutes or so -wet cough. Then it turned into dry for another half an hour. My kid just couldn't fall asleep. She had a spoon of honey in between, no change.
Then I have managed to persuade her to drink my favourite tincture for a bad throat and coughs - Golden Milk.
I warm up milk( do not bring to boil), put in a cup a tsp of raw honey, half a tsp of Turmeric(ground spice) and pour milk over it. Mix well and enjoy your warm tasty drink.
My kid drank her cup and was asleep in under two minutes 