Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Home made playdough

          My kids love playdough. And I have been making my own for so many years... It all started when they were little and used to put and chew things, any things... And one day at my daughters nursery I found out that they use their own made playdough. The nursery does not buy any, just cook one in the kitchen :) How cool is that! I thought. So I went on line and found so many recipes, its hard to choose from. You can add glitter, aromatic/essential oils for sense of smell, glow in a dark paint, tiny beads or coloured sugars for texture...Store it in airtight container or plastic bag with seal zip and it will last for weeks. And here are the links to our favourite ones:
Here is the video with great instructions and easy to follow

Here are some great ideas

Here is a cool idea

Leave a comment with your favourite recipe :)
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Monday, 2 December 2013

And the winner is...

Hi to all!

 Thank you all for participating in the Phatstak Giveaway! 

          If you did not win, but want to get the Phatstak still, you can purchase one with 10% discount with 'Buy it now' option HERE. Just mention the code ''tigramum-randommama'' in notes when purchasing or message to Phatstak. 
          The winner was picked randomly by the Rafflecopter widget. The winner will be contacted with the details on how to claim the prize. 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Finally the Date for The Big Day is set

Last week Monday, Victoria had a pre-assessment appointment for her hips surgery at GOSH. We have a date for the surgery-10th of December!
We were greeted by an orthopaedic nurse who gave us a tour of the ward where Vika will be recovering post surgery, showed all the facilities available for parents. Fold-out chair next to the child's bed for a parent to sleep on and the kitchen for parents(parent/s are staying with a child for the whole recovery time,living in a hospital). Told us that close family can visit any time of day or night, friends and rest of the family can visit up to about 8pm, although its just a guide time, not set in stone.
Then we had an x-ray and saw one of the registrars, she said that now both hips are subluxed equally, as before one was less than the other. They will perform same surgery on both  hips, one at a time with 6 to 12 months gap between surgeries and spica cast for 6-8 months time.

 Than we were seen by Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, other registrars, Play nurses and lots of waiting in between. Than at the end of the day the Consultant herself came, Miss Eastwood. With other 10 or so doctors. Me and Vika, surrounded by that many medical staff was quite intimidating. Thank God Vika's school physiotherapist was with us the whole time, she explained a lot of things I couldn't understand, had questions about and so on. I am very grateful to her for being there with us.
Anyhow, the consultant, miss Eastwood, who will perform the surgery, tells us that she will do surgery on both hips in one go, and NO spica cast after. I was like: WHAT? No Spica?
 Apparently, Vika will have some hardware on the joints and that will take away the need for the cast. Still don't know 100% how it will work. Can't find much info on it.
  Vika will have Bilateral proximal varus derotational osteotomies with plate and screws. The surgery will last for about 4 hours. A very long time for a child to be under general anaesthetic. You can check the video for reference. Its not the same but very close.It shows the femoral bone only, Victoria will have a pelvic bone done too.

 We will spend, if everything is good, max a week post op in the hospital. First days she will be on Morphine as a painkiller. And because we live on a first floor, and apparently, by law a woman can not lift more that 15 kg, which means I'm not allowed to carry Vika up/down the stairs. So until the OT at the hospital will be sure that Vika can slide up and down the stairs on her own bum, we will be staying at the hospital. They don't care that I lift up to 100kg bar in the gym.
  Once we home after surgery, the hospital will lend us a wheelchair which we will have to use inside and outside the house. The physio will come over to work with Vika, and depending how she will recover, how soon she will get back on her feet. She will need a walking frame to start walking again. The doc is positive that Victoria will be able to go back to school after Christmas holidays. It's good that the school picks up Vika on a wheelchair accessible bus, and in the school Vika will have all the support needed to recover without missing on school. Did I mention that she is going to public mainstream school? It's amazing!

One thing that makes me sad is, I will miss my oldest performance show in her drama school which is 3 days after Vika's surgery.  :(

So for now, we are making the list of the things to take with us for stay in the hospital. And packing.
If you will be in a neighbourhood on December 11 till the end of the week, Vika will be glad to see some visitors to keep her spirits up, don't be a stranger ;)


Saturday, 16 November 2013

I'm hosting a giveaway! Come over to WIN!

Read all the way to the end to enter a giveaway, for UK residence only!

One of the most popular questions for mums is: What do I do with my kid's artwork? How to keep/store it?
Well, thats how I do it. Earlier this year, I stumbled upon a Phatstak on eBay. It looked very appealing and like a good idea to try. So I bought one.I loved it so much that I went back to the seller and arranged a giveaway for my readers! Keep reading :)
 When you buy it, you have a big choice of designs, if you buy as 'Buy it now', you can personalise by adding the names, dates or a special message on the cover. Also, they offer 3 different inner pages combinations. Just check Shakebaby's eBay shop to see the big choice of covers, click here!

That was my choice :
Front cover

The choice of  for inner pages combinations are: 

1. 5 greyboard  pages with coloured elastic (see images below)
2. 10 Plain white card 285gsm

3. 6 pages of white card 285gsm with 2 pages of greyboard with coloured elastic
My choice on this occasion was 6 white pages +2 greyboard with elastic. 

First white page

It has 2 greyboard pages, which means we have 4 sides with elastic to use

Nursery Storage
Student Projects
Family Tree

Phatstak is a storage album with large capacity sleeves for a wide variety of uses from nursery keepsakes, student projects, albums or the travellers memorabilia folder. It uses elastic cord on every page to keep things in place, so you can add as much or as little as you like and the large plastic coil binder allows the pages to be opened fully.
It has 5 inner pages of 1250 micron grey card with coloured elastic so you can easily stack lots of items on one page. I have used one for an entire year of nursery painting and craft items. It's really good for things you want to take out & look at and to add to. 

Keeping your childrens drawings, collages and creative learning items together can be a bit of a chore, as there seems to be so much in the early years to keep in just one place. Phatstak can fit the entire year in one book for you to look at, at your leisure, it’s A3 size means you don't have to compromise any items, everything is safe and sound and it’s size fits easily on most book shelves.

Whatever you're studying phatstak can be the most practical way to present course work or projects, as the design relies on stacking up the information within, the reader has to interact with the information and therefore your work will be memorable.
Other uses for for phatstak include traveller, music fanatic, recipe collections, letters poems in fact phatstak is unique to its creator's particular interests. Phatstaks is the affordable keepsake storage solution.

We are still collecting the best and most precious bits and pieces of artwork and memos, so not arranged yet.  I have a few boxes of artwork to go through. The girls are very excited to get their hands on it, constantly changing their minds on how they are going to arrange the things inside, that is another reason why its still not done :)  I am going to order another one but with elastic only, it is very handy for these dozens of drawings.

 But One of you have a chance to get the Phatstak of your choice for free!Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter!

For those who does not want to enter and/or wait for the end, you can get 10% discount on 'BUY IT NOW' personalised option, just mention the code:''tigramum-randommama'' in Notes or message it at Phatstack

Use the rafflecopter widget to enter, but first get familiar with giveaway terms and conditions :)

1Eligibility. Giveaways are open to readers with UK shipping addresses only.
2Technical Problems. The giveaway may be canceled, suspended and/or modified, in whole or in part, if in the opinion of Random Mama Blog any fraud, technical failure or other factor beyond its control impairs the integrity of the giveaway.
3Winner Notification. You will be notified within three (3) days after the Entry Deadline Date if you win the prize.
4Claiming Your Prize. Winner must respond within three (3) days of notification or forfeit the prize, in which case an alternate winner will be selected.
5Prize Substitution. Winner may not substitute the prize for any other prize or for cash, however, Random Mama or the sponsoring company may substitute the prize for any other prize of equal or greater value, in its reasonable discretion, in the event the prize is not available for any reason outside of sponsor’s reasonable control.
6. General Release. By entering the giveaway through this website, you release Random Mama from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the giveaway or delivery, misdelivery or acceptance of any prize (including, without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and damages related to personal injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation or portrayal in a false light, whether intentional or unintentional), whether under a theory of contract, tort (including negligence), warranty or other theory.
Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Hours of fun!

We all trying to find ways for our kids to entertain themselves while we are doing our chores, working or just need some time quite. I have stumbled upon a winner! Had to try immediately.
Pour baking soda on a tray, the thicker the layer the better. Add food coloring into a few pots of vinegar and have a pipet, or in our case I hade a 1ml syringe. Let the kids drop coloured vinegar on to soda and see what happens. An hour of coloured fizzing fun. The more colours the better, they can be mixed in a pipet and you will get a rainbow! Unfortunately my food colouring is not good, not much tint to it. So note to myself - get good food coloring ;)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My post work out protein shake

That is my protein shake I had after gym ;) Steamed barbecue chicken breast, prawns and celery. Nothing else. Yummy <3

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Gluten free buckwheat mini muffins/cakes

Lately I have been experimenting with buckwheat. I LOVE buckwheat, grew up on it. Back in a part of the world where  I happen to grow up, buckwheat is as common as rise in Asia. But only as a grain, to make a kind of porridge. Cook it savory to go on a side with meats or stews, or kids favorite-sprinkle with a lot of sugar and add milk, kind like cereal. At some point, for some short time (about 20 years ago) Kelloggs made a cereal from it. Was my favourite.
  About a year ago I have discovered a buckwheat flour. And was doing pancakes with it. But now I got hooked on trying doing other things with it. Due to my training, and health issues (wheat intolerance) I'm gone wheat free, which in most cases/recipes goes along with gluten free.
A bit about buckwheat. While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel making it a suitable substitute for grains for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains that contain protein glutens. Buckwheat also contains almost 86 milligrams of magnesium in a one-cup serving. Magnesium relaxes blood vessels, improving blood flow and nutrient delivery while lowering blood pressure—the perfect combination for a healthy cardiovascular system. Buckwheat is a very good source of manganese and a good source of magnesium, copper, and dietary fiber. Buckwheat contains two flavonoids with significant health-promoting actions: rutin and quercetin. The protein in buckwheat is a high quality protein, containing all eight essential amino acids, including lysine.

So here's a recipe for my mini muffins/fairy cakes.
Makes about 30 mini cases. I used 150gr Dove plain gluten free flour and 150gr of Buckwheat flour.
300gr of flour.
300gr of softened butter (can be replaced with coconut oil or other)
2tbsp of unrefined sugar whichever you like (of course you can add more sugar to your liking)
Vanilla, I use half the stalk.
2tsp of baking powder
4 eggs
6 tbsp of milk
Cream butter, sugar and vanilla until fluffy. Beat in the egg one by one. Followed by the baking powder, flour and milk. Dived between the cases and bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Gas mark 4.
I use very little sugar. For kids I let them ice/decorate, or put jam on them or in. 
For parties, I put skittles inside when butter in a case, and a marshmallow.
You can use this recipe to make Gluten free Victoria sponge.
For me, I eat them instead of bread.

                       Here is an idea on using wholegrain buckwheat in a salad  

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Очень много чувств хороших :)

Не пожалейте времени и посмотрите этот мультфильм. Всего полторы минуты, в которых уместилось очень много чувств, близких каждому из нас... Это прекрасная работа девушки из Екатеринбурга Наташи Чернышовой, которая сейчас учится в анимационной школе в Валансе (Франция).
#детство #любовь #родные #бабушка #мультфильм #короткометражка#счастье #радость #чудесно #трогательно

Аниматор Наталья Чернышева так же имеет много награждений и побед на многих других конкурсах по всей Европе. Фильм "Снежинка", признан лучшим на международном фестивале анимационного кино Golden Kuker в Софии, Болгария.

Snowflake from The Calvert Journal on Vimeo.

 Можете найти Наташины странички здесь:

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Самодельная книжная закладка

Сегодня наткнулась на инструкции вот таких вот закладок. Скоро каникулы, путешествия, я с детьми всегда берем много книжек с собой. Эти закладки отличная идея, делать очень легко и быстро, наделала сразу много про запас, теряться будут - знаю своих детей! :) Дети мои в восторге, им нравится, говорят: мамино сердечко всегда с нами :)
Закладка надевается на страницы. На фото с инструкциями Side A- изнаночная сторона. Side B -лицевая. Размер закладки зависит от размера начального квадрата бумаги. Эксперементируйте! 



Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Street Art

We have encountered this creature on a way home this evening :) Isn't he grossly cute?

If I did it, you MOST definitely can do it too!

Ok, what are the usual excuses? Believe me I have them all!
*Had two kids. Born with 4.300 kg & 4 kg (over 9 pound babies)
* Diastasis Recti 4 fingers wide
* A mess of a pelvic floor, incontinence and prolapse
* Bad metabolism
* Fat genes
* Lazy
* Undisciplined
* Hardly motivated
* Love food! My favourite is Sweet Chilli chicken wrap from McDonald's
* No support from friends or family
* No social life
* Child with disability
* Suffer with depression
* Binge eater
* Weak knees, bad back(injures in childhood), very bad and weak wrist, can't run or much of any cardio-can't breath and get very dizzy
* No space, tiny flat
* Get bored easily

But I have done it! And I am keep doing it! I used to be 90kg (198+ pounds) before I had kids.
And I have closed my diastasis recti from 4 fingers wide to only a half a finger.
It took time, a year at least, and I'm still work in progress. But don't rush! I was taking just one day at a time. I'm not one of those super humans who make a goal, make a plan and stick to it religiously. No, that's not me, this kind of approach stresses me out and I get depressed. No, I'm taking baby steps, day by day. And it works for me, it worked for me so far.
I feel better, stronger, helthier. My kids are joining me. They asking questions about healthy eating choices, what food will make them stronger, faster, give them beautiful hair. They join me with my exercises and make up their own and put me through them :))))
Involve your kids, let them join you and copy you alongside. Have fun with it! Don't take it too seriously!
Enjoy yourself!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Food journey - recipe

Wanted to share a yummy healthy recipe of a salad. It can be either a snack or a main meal, depends on a size of your portion.
So it goes:
*Mixed greens. Whatever you prefer, I use spinach, rocket and watercress.
*Different coloured peppers. I used 1/2 of yellow & 1/2 red.
*Wild rice, I had leftovers from my lunch previous day( The other day I had a salmon steak with wild rise and green salad) .Some times I use buckwheat instead.
* Virgin olive oil. Season to taste.
Enjoy your meal :)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Muscle growth!

Yeah I can think of one place where it will promote muscle growth very quickly :)))

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Victoria has got her special needs buggy!!

We were tremendously surprised at the response friends and family and even extended friends of friends gave toward the FundRazr. It has been truly humbling.
We want to thank you for your participation weather it was via donations, sharing or wishing us luck. Whatever you did, you did a great thing which will be very greatly appreciated. 
It is only a beginning for Victoria, she still has a lot of challenges to overcome and will need help and support on her journey. 
But for now here are some pics of her with her new buggy. It was tested out the same day we got it! I picked her up from school and we went through the woods on the way to her after-school class to test it. It was fantastic! 
Thank You!  Thank You!     Thank You!        Thank You!     Thank You!     Thank You!     Thank You!     

And here is a copy of an original quotation for the buggy cost. 

Qty I Unit Product Product 
Size Code Descri tion 
1 I No KA1802/1 Kangoo All Terrain Buggy with Height Adj Handles Size 2 
Frame Colour: Silver 
1 I No IKA1812 [Seat Shell Unit Size 2 
Seat Cushioning Colour: Red Sides/Blue Inner 
1 I Pair IKA1865/2 I Rear Mag Wheels 20" - 3 Colour 
1 No KA1865/5 Single Front Mag Wheel 20" - 3 Colour 
Mag Wheel Colour: 3 Colour 
1 No KA1828/4 - 360 degree Swivel 9" Spoked Front Wheel
1 No KA1869/2 Headrest with Side Blocks Size 2 
1 No KA1833 5 Point Harness System 
1 No 410005 2 Point Dual Pull Hip Belt 
1 No KA182M6 Medium Footrest 
1 No KA1877 Enlargement/Shortening Seat for Footrest 
1 No KA1830 Sun Cover and Netting Size 2 
1 No KA1829/2 Raincover Size 2 
1 No KA1827 Bike Trailer Extension Set 

Price £ 

Note: I Frame price now include cost of drum brakes fitted. 
Delivery details: I Swiftstyle handover and set-up 
Total 3,536.59
Carriage 0.00
Sub- Total 3,536.59
VAT @ 0 0.00
Grand Total 3,536.59

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Kid's bike storage in small place

Small spaces, and bulky kid's stuff... We live in a tiny one bedroom London flat with no garden. So to store girls bikes and the newly acquired special needs buggy that is humengous(or humongous? any way..) space is really really tight! So I have come up with this solution to store a bike and free up som floor space for the buggy. OH! And I also put a scooter up there ;))
What are your storage solutions? Please share with us :)
Love ans peace out

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Быстрые ушки. Выпечка ;)

Помните в детстве сладкие ушки с корицей и сахаром? Мы детьми эту выпечку за обе щеки уплетали :)
 Таким же любителям как я предлагаю очень быстрый и легкий рецепт.
П.С. Все мои рецепты на глаз.
Слоенное тесто. Я покупаю в супермаркете готовое, оно идеального размера ;)
Сахар на глаз, у меня примерно пол кружки уходит.
Корицу на вкус, кто любит больше, кто меньше.

Разложив тесто на столе, обсыпаю сахар смешанный с корицей на обе стороны. Скалкой слегка нажав повожу по тесту что бы сахар впился/вжался в тесто.
Потом начинать заворачивать края на противоположных  длинных сторонах просыпая сахарной смесью и проводя скалкой. И так пока до середины дойдете. У меня оно растянулось на фото, должно быть прямое по всем краям :)) Сложив в одну типа плосковатой сосиски еще раз сахаром и скалкой. Ножом нарезать куски толщиной где то в палец. Выложить на поднос или на тарелку и на 15 мин в холодильник охладить. Переложить на противень (оставте 2.5-3см между кусками), слегка приплющить пальцем и в нагретую духовку, выпекать где то 15 мин. У меня старая духовка в которой не регулируется температура, то есть на всю мощь(200'C) газовая и через 12-15 минут у меня готовы.
Совет, я минут через 7,как одна сторона подрумянится, переворачиваю их на другую сторону.
Приятного аппетита! Ямм

Need help with mobility equipment for my DD

It's a very late post! I have been so busy and ill, that kept postponing to write for the blog and its probably too late.
In our last appointment with a community paediatrician we discussed if there any pushchairs available for my little Vicky as she is growing out of her PhillandTeds. And then I have received a report/feedback letter, where it says that he will ask Vika's OT to prescribe her a wheelchair :( So I went on a mission to find a special needs buggy that will serve us in our daily life for many years more to come. And have found Kangoo one. We loved it! It is perfect for us in cense that it can be adopted for city use or all terrain. But! It comes with a hefty price of starting £2000 just for frame. No rain cover or anything. And then there is a Theratrike, a special needs bicycle which costs around £800. Victoria will enjoy so much to be able to ride her bike independently along with her older sister :)
I got a big support from a group of moms from our Russian moms in London community to start a fundraiser and what an amazing start it was! In just 4 days we have raised almost a thousand pounds. And then it slowed down. Wright now we are 3 days away from the dead line with only 50% of needed sum.
I have two family(and not only) photographers who are offering their services with all the proceeding going to the fund. If you are interested or know anyone who would be, please see below for photographers' contacts.
If you can donate, even a pound makes a difference, or share and help to spread the word, anything is very much appreciated!
I am ranting and not putting my words together very good, I apologise as I'm unwell and have foggy brain these few days...
The fundraising page is here

Charity photography:
We have a few offers to help raise the funds. If you live in London,UK or nearby we have two professional photographers offering their services, all proceedings from photoshoots will go into Victoria's fund.
*Option1: Wonderful opportunity to have a professional photoshoot experience at a very loyal price and help a little girl.
What is included:
30 minutes Photoshoot with light makeup and hair styling.
Pose direction.
From 10 to 40 HQ edited Magazine style images via email or post.
Good Karma for your help. You can buy ticket for this one day here

*Option2: By Contacting Kate See, you can be flexible on your day and time. For pricing details and to contact a photographer

Donation can go straight into PayPal account, e-mail is

Many many thank you's and gratitude xx

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Eating before training

Yesterday my training session sucked! I was getting tired very quickly, was feeling dizzy and weak. I had a lunch an hour before my session, it didn't have any carbs. Just fish and veggies like carrots and broccoli. And due to some circumstances, I had no breakfast. So, my 12 o'clock lunch was the only food I have eaten prior the gym.
 Today, I had 4 eggs for breakfast with celery, coriander and dill, they are my FAVORITE herbs ever! I put them everywhere in abundance :)) And then for lunch, I know! many will judge, but just had no other option... drum roll please!... I had a chicken wrap from... McDonalds :p  I have had a VERY busy and hectic morning with hospital appointments with my daughter and so on... It was the easiest and fastest option... Anyhow
 I was impressed with myself at the gym! I have beaten my personal record! Hehe. It was a back day, started with dead lifts. As usual, for a warm up just a bar 15 reps, then about 50kg 12reps then a few rounds more and up to 80kg. If last time I have only managed to do only 2 reps, today I did all 80kg 8 reps! And managed to do 90kg twice! Yea baby :DDD
 Chicken wrap=POWER! LOL LOL
P.S. Note to myself: NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Very yummy TWO ingredient cookies!

Two ingredient cookies

As I had sooo many things to do in a short window between me getting home from my training and picking up kids from school and taking them to their Kung Fu class, I needed something very quick to make for them to snack. It had to be wholesome, no sugar and provide energy for a tired child after school to last her through a high energy KungFu class. And I have found a fantastic cookie recipe! It's quick to prepare, cooked in 15 min, has only TWO main ingredients and you can have any adds in you want!
What you will need:
2 over ripen bananas
1 cup of quick oats
Mash up bananas with oats, add if you want raisins, nuts etc. Or dont add anything else, they still will be fab. 
Today I have added fresh vanilla and 70% chocolate drops. 
Then spoon it on a GREASED(it sticks!) paper and bake for about 15 min. 
I LOVED them and my kids too, they ate a whole lot :)))  Konstancia was stuffing her mouth just to get most of them LOL
It was big success and will make many more times! 

Here we have:oats, bananas and chocolate chips

All mashed up

Already in the snack box

Two ingredient cookies

I have found a fantastic cookie recipe! It's quick to prepare, cooked in 15 min, has only TWO main ingredients and you can have any adds in you want!
What you will need:
2 over ripen bananas
1 cup of quick oats
Mash up bananas with oats, add if you want raisins, nuts etc. Or dont add anything else, they still will be fab. You can also add your protein powder but will need little bit more banana to keep it moist.
Then spoon it on a GREASED paper and bake for about 15 min.
I LOVED them and my kids too, they ate a whole lot :)))

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Leg day

Had 5 min cardio warm-up then stretch and while waiting for the bar station(or whatever its called) did 4 rounds with a small bar,15kg, 10 squats-hold squat for 10 sec-5 jumps( all with a bar) rest for 15 sec
Then on to proper bar. Started with just a bar-20kg/15 reps. The added 2/15kg plates -12reps. Then changed 2/20kg-8reps. Then added 2/5kg total weight 70 kg- 8 reps 2rounds.
Then on to leg raise starting with 52kg 12 reps, then adding more 2plates one by one with 12 reps each, then another 8 rounds of 8 reps with each plate in descending order.(8/52kg,8/45kg & etc & ofcourse with the help of my PT) and almost fell off my feet, had to seat still for a few minutes before I could walk again LOL
Then some light cardio to get blood into my tired legs and proper stretch and a roll. I hope I will be able to walk tomorrow :))

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Push Ups with a bad to

I think push ups are cool and I am in awe of people who can do them. I struggle to do them because of my injured wrist. I had a surgery previously on it, plus I suspect something like RSI. I can do 5 to 10 on a fresh wrist, and about 3, after doing any kind of exercise that involves the use of the wrist.  AND I have to do an adjustment. I do push ups on my knuckles/fingers, too painful to do on a flat palm.
The push ups I was doing on the pic, were done at the end of my weight training. It was chest day, so heavy dumbells 10-12kg flys and press ups. So obviously, with every 3rd push up I was falling flat on my face :)))

Sunday, 10 February 2013

What I like for breakfast...

I believe breakfast must be very filling. It is most important meal of the day, has to fuel you for the day to come. It's like...your body is a car... For example, you are going to drive from London to Manchester. What do you do? You fill your cars gas tank before you start your journey and top up as needed on the way. You don't fill up your gas tank at the end of your trip, as you reach your destination, are you? So you should swap what you eat and amount you eat for dinner with breakfast. Big filling breakfast with proteins, and dinner should be light.
One of my favorite breakfast, since I have started my training, is : natural yogurt with a spoon of peanut butter and almond butter, all mixed together. I also recently started to ad a scoop of protein powder. Right now I use MP's unflavoured protein powder. The taste of it actually reminds me of dried milk we used to eat when we were kids :)))

Friday, 8 February 2013

Back workout

Did a short session, worked on a back. 

6 rounds-set of two: palms down bent over row 30-50kg X 12, Free Weights Dumbbell Bench Bent Over Row,I think it was 16 or 18kg (grrr don't remember, VERY hectic day) X 12. Finished them of with a few rounds on a pull down machines. 

And finished session with Zuzka Light's Tight Abs Workout , managed to do exactly 3 rounds in that 10 min ..Which was AWESOME!Considering :))... Cardio and core and back and arms and legs= the whole lot. Was lying flat for a few minutes, could not move lol
 Love to train y'all :)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Beach fun :)

Travel and play

 When we travel, and we do quite a lot during summer, we do not carry our toys with us. We get them as we go along. Just a little of imagination, and don't forget: kids find many simple things to be very interesting :)
That is one example, just buy a pack of plastic glasses/cups and use them as building blocks. Then, make a ball out of foil or a paper, and knock them down. Fun even for the adults ;)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Food diary: Saturday

Weekends, they are most challenging for me when it comes to food. Due to the weather these wet winter months we tend to stay indoors. And when I'm home I tend to loose control on snacking. Keep going to the kitchen and just eat everything...
So today, I will write a blog entry as a food diary, hopefully it will help me to stay in control. Also, we are going out to visit a friend. I will be adding and editing this post as I eat during today.
#Breakfast 8.30am: scramble eggs with half a sausage on a bed of lettuce and orange pepper. Size of egg portion was of a size of my palm. And I am a strong believer to have protein for breakfast. As I'm not working out later, I'm not having any carbs.
Missed lunch as were busy running around, just grabbed 1 small bite of kid's flapjack.
At 4pm early #dinner over at my friend: stewed venison with steamed veggies in a small bowl, passed on the rice. A Clementine and some popcorn for a dessert.